My excuse is that it's a snow day, so I'm stuck inside, listening to my children play video games--a sound I thought I'd be spared until 4:00 this afternoon--thinking about how much fun I'm going to have shoveling the foot of snow that has accumulated out there--and visiting an unusually large number of blogs.
I mean, an unusually large number of blogs even for me, the Baroness of Bloghopping.
Which explains how I was seduced by my friend Wendy's
craft blog.
Should I just mention here that I can't knit, crochet, sew, or embroider? And my last crafting efforts--a needlepoint canvas of poppies (get it?--so you'd think I'd be motivated) is lurking in the back of my closet? And has been for about five years?
So what was I doing clicking over to
A Dress a Day and clicking on her advertisers? I mean, hello, I don't do that stuff. I CAN'T SEW.
So why did I buy this from the
Antique Doll House of Patterns?

I DON'T KNOW. I do actually own a sewing machine--a 1940 Singer that a friend of my mother's passed along to her. And it works. I happen to know that it sews both forwards and backwards, because about 14 years ago I actually sat down and sewed Barbie clothes for my sister's Barbie--from a 1960's pattern--as a funny Christmas present.
One little sundress took me ALL. DAMNED. DAY.
So I'm crazy. But not crazy enough to buy this:

Even though it's adorable and wonderfully retro, and at 38 Canadian dollars, quite cheap. But I know it wouldn't fit me. I have a giant noggin, and women's hats never fit me. I love hats, so this is a cruel prank played on me by my ancestors. I console myself by telling myself that my noggin is giant because it's filled to overflowing with brains.
But then I remember the APRON PATTERNS I just bought. And I realize that I'm just kidding myself.